The List

  • The 5,000 Year Leap-The Miracle That Changed The World
  • The Circle Trilogy-Ted Dekker
  • Expelled-Ben Stein

Monday, September 6, 2010

my mama didn't raise no sissies

today I nearly sliced the tip of my finger completely off....I made it half way through the nail.  thanks to alex's cooperation we bandaged it well enough so it should grow back together.  my nail is another story.  Maybe I'll hide it under my pillow...
slicing apples is a dangerous occupation.


  1. That's disgusting! I'm glad you lived to tell the tale.

  2. it WAS disgusting....seeing my nail sliced in half and blood pouring everywhere while Myles just chattered away to his apple in his high chair oblivious to the fact that his very own mother was fighting for her every breath.
