The List

  • The 5,000 Year Leap-The Miracle That Changed The World
  • The Circle Trilogy-Ted Dekker
  • Expelled-Ben Stein

Friday, August 27, 2010


Well I got so far as clearing some grass and trees on my plot of land in Frontierville....I had a pretty green dress and my hair looked really great.  There was a snake on my land but he never bothered me.  I even dug up a fiew skulls.  Then I ran out of energy an old deranged looking man popped up on the screen saying I needed to eat more.  Well in order to eat I had to pay with horseshoes.  How interesting...I don't remember Laura Ingalls identifying horse shoes as a form of currency when reading Little House on the Prairie.  No matter, I bought some pie because they didn't have much else I could afford.  Then I ran out of energy again.   Bought some more pie.  Then I ran out of energy and horse shoes so the old man pops up on my screen again saying I need to get more horseshoes.  No doy.  How can I get more horseshoes I say?  Well pay for them of course.  They wanted me to give my credit card number and everything. I AM SO SURE THAT I"M GOING TO PAY ACTUAL REAL LIVE MONEY FOR THE FAKE MONEY THEY GIVE ME JUST SO I CAN EAT SOME MORE FAKE PIE!  STUPID. I do NOT recommend this game.  You'll clear your land only to be disappointed.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I just started playing at your recommendation yesterday!

  2. well stop now. And I'm so sure again...I just logged back on there just so i could look longingly at my plot that I had worked so hard to clear ALL FOR NOTHING....and there's like 20 trees that have grown up completely. It takes like 20 energy points to freaking just chop down a little sapling. STUPID. I HATE THIS STUPID GAME for getting me so excited.
