The List

  • The 5,000 Year Leap-The Miracle That Changed The World
  • The Circle Trilogy-Ted Dekker
  • Expelled-Ben Stein

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fool me once

I just need to take a moment to recognize Nick Jr.  They did such a wonderful job of entertaining my 11 month old son by talking about deciduous and coniferous forests this morning while I was trying to work with the other two on coincidentally the same exact thing only probably a few levels more in depth......I thought wow what a boring thing to be talking about to pre schoolers but apparently it has my almost one year old intrigued...I haven't heard a peep out of him since I turned it on....
well then I heard some clattering about down the hall and realized that he was so bored out of his mind he had decided to go make a mess of my daughters room instead. I don't blame you kid....that is way more exciting than talking about forests...I know this first hand because I've had to talk about them since pretty much the day we started school.  I mean how much more can be said about maple and pine trees and opossums and caribou...and shrubs and canopies....however of course I act like it's very exciting when I teach it....which doesn't seem to really fool the kids any...they're too old I guess to fall for that now anyway....which brings me to something else...
I stopped taking my kids to this pediatric dentist that I did love and am now bringing them to a regular dentist mainly because the regular dentist doesn't charge as much.  I guess you're at liberty to pretty much rob your patients' mothers when you're trained to tell lies to your patients in order to convince them to sit still and quiet in order to get a cavity filled.  It was when Finnegan finally said to me  "I know she's not painting a car on my tooth. I know she's filling a cavity."  is when I realized...oh ...yes...I guess they're older now.  Not to mention I DON'T tell them that crap.  I say something to the effect of  "hey listen here, remember how I told you your teeth will rot if you don't brush them better like I taught you to?  Well they are...and now you have a cavity.  It won't hurt much and as soon as you get it taken care of we can go back to eating ice cream until our next visit."    Maybe that isn't word for word but it's pretty darn close.  Either way they're off to the dentist next week. Hope all checks out well....if not....well....I tried very hard to get the point across about proper dental hygiene.  Kids are still able to make their own choices.

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1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha! He's no fool. I'd think the "painting the car" trick would only work once.
