The List

  • The 5,000 Year Leap-The Miracle That Changed The World
  • The Circle Trilogy-Ted Dekker
  • Expelled-Ben Stein

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Conviction and Hope

Currently I am hacking my way through this book that was loaned to me by a friend. Upon her handing it to me she engaged in a quick disclaimer: "You'll either love this or hate it". I used the term "hacking" because I feel that is the most appropriate way to describe my experience in reading it so's just like "hacking" my way through a jungle. 1) There is SO much to process
2) I have to pick which path to take in my thoughts and "hack" (there it is again....and I like to imagine myself with a machete...because everyone knows that's what you use to get through a jungle...because everyone surely watches Man vs. Wild) through the parts I disagree with and the ones I agree with.

This is my first time to read a book where I'm learning how to accept some of what the author is saying as her opinion on things, disagree not out of pride but only because I see it as just opinion, and THEN still be able to take "apples of gold" from the text as well because there are many of those. I find the whole thing a little bitter sweet. I'm used to saying HEY I DON'T AGREE WITH THAT and then putting it down because why bother continuing to read.....well the same reason I bother continuing a heated discussion with my husband until we reach a resolution....because much can still be learned. We will not always agree with EVERYTHING a fellow follower comes up with when they form their own opinion on how certain matters should be handled in relationships based upon scripture but then expounded upon....however, every time one of those opinions is directly aligned with the standard set for us through the Bible I have found myself agreeing whole heartedly.
The conviction has always been followed up with by hope.