The List

  • The 5,000 Year Leap-The Miracle That Changed The World
  • The Circle Trilogy-Ted Dekker
  • Expelled-Ben Stein

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Today I was fortunate enough to simply be in contact (although, indirectly much of the time) with someone who gave birth to their first child, a baby girl.
I wonder what it is about birth that excites me so much, to the point of tears....I can't imagine what I'll be like if my sisters have babies. I'll be beside myself I know it. This girl was not a stranger, but we are not closest of friends and best buds either yet I found myself anxious and detesting the suspense and then when news of the delivery finally hit, I could hardly think of anything else but the parents and their new's so hard to truly grasp the miracle in life, and I believe that's part of what gets me every time. The fact that this little girl was growing inside of this young lady....bit by carefully knitted together....functioning...perfectly...and not just functioning perfectly the very minute she was born....she didn't just burst through the birth canal and then take the form of a tiny human but from the minute she was conceived her cells were multiplying and organs were developing.....her heart beating so much sooner than so many people out there will want to admit to. When I saw her sweet face...just in a picture, I could not contain myself. Beautiful little honey. The way she looked in that photo was the way she looked just a few hours ago before she entered into this new world. Amazing.
I will have to retract what I said. It's not just the birth of a baby that is so exciting. It's new life. And new life doesn't just happen in the mother's womb.
Congratulations to the wonderful mother and father.

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