The List

  • The 5,000 Year Leap-The Miracle That Changed The World
  • The Circle Trilogy-Ted Dekker
  • Expelled-Ben Stein

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Back by popular DEMAND........

Yes yes here I am.  I've been busier than usual simply because not only did my long lost sister from deep in the hills of Hollywood take time away from her eventful life to come visit but I also have been trying to complete some long over due house projects.  I figured I shouldn't have to wait on Alex for something I'm fully capable of handling.....of course none of them will turn out how he had envisioned but that's what should be fun about being married to me.....I have to go on about how exciting it is to be married to me because he won't.  

Today is Myles' first birthday...however since we had a giant party for him last Saturday I almost forgot.  We won't really be doing anything for him today since he's only one and doesn't know any better...I may squeeze him more than usual or bite off his feet some more...other than that...he's getting the same old apple sauce for breakfast.  He is fortunate however that apple picking just happened to be planned for this evening.  However he probably won't be much use there either....maybe he and I can just munch on some of the apples that overflow from the buckets while Finnegan and Sydnea do all the fun work.  I would hate to miss out and spend my time eating but as a mother I'm used to sacrifice.


  1. Hooray I'm in your blog! But it's not so exciting since I'm back here with the rats. Myles is so cute, I wish I was still there to hang out and try and hold him!

  2. yes well you chose rats over a cute baby. what does that say about you?

  3. Remember when I was trying to hand feed baby BJ and he was scared of me and I got upset and threw the food at him? Mom then grounded me from going near him for a while. I'm so glad I've matured enough not to throw anything at Myles when he didn't want me to hold him. Then again, he did let me feed him!
